- non-equilibrium theory
- неравновесная теориятеория протекания некоторых химических реакций
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
Non-equilibrium economics — deals with processes that exhibit self reinforcing causation, as opposed to standard neoclassical equilibrium economics. This approach is represented by modern researchers in the fields of evolutionary institutional economics, Post Keynesian… … Wikipedia
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Non-convexity (economics) — In economics, non convexity refers to violations of the convexity assumptions of elementary economics. Basic economics textbooks concentrate on consumers with convex preferences (that do not prefer extremes to in between values) and convex budget … Wikipedia
Non-credible threat — Illustration that shows the difference between a SPNE and a other NE. The blue equilibrium is not subgame perfect because player two makes a non credible threat at 2(2) to be unkind (U). A non credible threat is a term used in game theory and… … Wikipedia
Non-topological soliton — In quantum field theory, a non topological soliton (NTS) is a field configuration possessing, contrary to a topological one, a conserved Noether charge and stable against transformation into usual particles of this field for the following reason … Wikipedia
Theory of impetus — The theory of impetus was an antiquated auxiliary or secondary theory of Aristotelian dynamics, put forth initially to explain projectile motion against gravity. It was first introduced by Hipparchus in antiquity, and subsequently further… … Wikipedia
Non-cooperative game — In game theory, a non cooperative game is one in which players make decisions independently. Thus, while they may be able to cooperate, any cooperation must be self enforcing. A game in which players can enforce contracts through third parties is … Wikipedia
Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment — Taux de chômage n accélérant pas l inflation Le taux de chômage n accélérant pas l’inflation (en anglais : Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment ou NAIRU) est un indicateur économique qui, estimé économétriquement pour un pays et à … Wikipédia en Français
Game theory — is a branch of applied mathematics that is used in the social sciences (most notably economics), biology, engineering, political science, computer science (mainly for artificial intelligence), and philosophy. Game theory attempts to… … Wikipedia
General equilibrium — theory is a branch of theoretical microeconomics. It seeks to explain the behavior of supply, demand and prices in a whole economy with several or many markets. It is often assumed that agents are price takers and in that setting two common… … Wikipedia
Marcus theory — is a theory originally developed by Rudolph A. Marcus, starting in 1956, to explain the rates of electron transfer reactions – the rate at which an electron can move or jump from one chemical species (called the electron donor) to another (called … Wikipedia